Dauntless Discipleship Diaries
Audio Memoirs..
The Gift
of Gregg

Saturday March 9th, 2018
Happy 80th Birthday!
Title: Nostalgic Reflections

Friday December 21st, 2018
"Coping with death during the holiday season" "Realistic new year's resolutions"

Entry 1 - Saturday December 8th, 2018
Happy 10th Rebirth Day!
Title: The True Gospel
"A Life of Pain, Suffering, & Heartache"

Bonus footage and a double blessing day for me,
as I had the honor to baptize my daughter "Chesney."
It was a special day for the both of us!

I am dedicating this part of the ministry to my dad.
I wrote the below song and sang it in a "roast style" for his 75th surprise Birthday party.
After he "went home to be with the Lord," I rewrote it, and asked Jesse Schulz if he would be kind enough to read it, find a tune for it, and record it.
He was honored to do so, and even used his guitar.
He truly brought this song to life!
We played this song over and over again at his funeral.
It has since become a treasure for me as an audio memory of his life.

My wife and I on our wedding day.
The man in the middle is:
"The man, the myth, the legend "
- My dad.